Saturday, April 4, 2009

Potential Laws

Unfortunately our tax dollars are attempting to work against the few ways that people are able to survive during these tough economic times.

There are many more bills that you should search for on your own, but HR-875 and S-425 are the two that I would like to focus on… for now.

In short, they seek to put organic farmers out of business and even prevent people from growing their own food in their own backyards for their own personal consumption. This is referred to as “The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009.” Although, it has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with big business making more money, there are quite a few big wigs, who are really pushing for this bill. We need to push them with our own words.

If you have never taken the time to write to your representatives, congressmen, etc. now would be a wonderful time to do so, otherwise, this law will create a lot more lawbreakers.

1 comment:

  1. Top 10 Reasons To By Organic via

    1. Protect future generations
    2. Prevent soil erosion
    3. Protect water quality
    4. Save energy
    5. Keep chemicals off your plate
    6. Protect farm workers
    7. Help small farmers
    8. Support a true economy
    9. Promote biodiversity
    10. Taste better flavor
